Sunday, January 8, 2012


So after months and friend after friend telling me that our family should be watching Parenthood, we decided to start earlier this week. this an autobiography of my adult life or what?  I usually start crying mid-episode and the tears occasionally stop, but not much.

I haven't blogged much since my son was diagnosed with autism.  Our one year anniversary is coming up.  It's been almost a year since we "officially" were told our almost 3 year old (at the time) had a condition that would effect him for the rest of his life...

So how has this changed me?  After a zillion of emotions and a million episodes of these emotions I am finally at a place of peace with his diagnosis.  I mostly got here at this peaceful place from the support of my family and friends and online support and blogs and TRUE FRIENDS.  Some friends, I didn't even know were so dear to my heart became dear to my heart.  I am ever so grateful for them, they know who they are.....friends have almost "adopted" my son and love his as if he was family to them.  This is an overwhelming have so much support.

Recently, I lost one of my main supporters....gone...vanished from our life.  It is hard to believe, but it's finally real to me.  Thankfully, I have an ever-ending amount of support, but one can never have too much.

I don't think I would be this strong without the support I receive at his ABA school.  They are amazing and anyone who knows me probably gets tired of me talking about his school.  But when I say I couldn't do this without them, that is such an understatement.

I struggled growing up, just like most kids, trying to find my place in this world.  I want nothing more than my son, and my daughters, to find their place.  Don't we all?  Such a tough parenting roll....helping them find their place....
But how do you help an autistic child find their place in this world, when you as a parent have no idea where your child belongs?  My answer is.....we go with the flow.  We take each day and move a little with it....We STILL let THEM find their place, it just might be a different place than what we originally dreamed for them.....but that is okay. IT IS OKAY.  Because their place, autistic or not, is JUST as SPECIAL than any other child.  I am realizing this slowly...because finding out your child has autism and dealing with it is a slow process.

To parents of newly diagnosed advice is your child, embrace their differences from other children, and go with those differences.  As a family, there is nothing more important than to stay together and fight together.  Whatever it takes.....

I rambled.  Sorry for that.  I tend to start a blog and end it without completing a single thought.....tis my blog, so i can do that =)
