Thursday, December 23, 2010


I got a phone call today from an investigator at the local SPCA regarding my complaint to them about the puppy mill....He wanted to thank me for everything I sent him, said it is making his job much easier....He kind of laughed and I laughed then he said "no, I am being serious."  No one has ever presented this much evidence against someone, we usually have to dig and find it."  The envelope I sent him cost $7 and some change, so yeh, there was a lot in
So I told him once I got started and realized she indeed was a part of a puppy mill, I couldn't just let it go.  Thats not me.  Puppy mills unfortunately are all over the place, and in the state of Texas our laws SUCK.  So I am teaming up with a friend and we are going to do everything we can to get those laws changed.  
Yeh, I I have time for this.  Well, I will make time.  Seeing Ella suffer like that really hit me hard. might take a while and it might not even happen, but I sure will try.
Back to the phone call I received...the investigator also said that she(puppy mill bitch) is more than likely a "runner" for the actual puppy mill and he wants the entire mill shut down. And then he thanked me again. And again. And well....that just made my day. Not sure why, but it made me feel good.
#PuppyPower #RIPElla

Sunday, December 19, 2010

This can't be happening....

So as my mom, my dear sweet mom, is recovering in the hospital from a heart attack, she has been undergoing some test.  First, her potassium came back low, really low. That kind of alarmed me. Then last night when I was visiting they told her an endrocrinologist would be coming in at a later time. Alarm number two for me. So on my way home, my brain went into overdrive and I couldn't stop using what I've learned in nursing school to try to figure out what in the hell could be going on. Then it clicked....something is wrong with her endocrine system.  Your endocrine system is basically all your glands in your body...your thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary. The adrenal gland in particular can cause your epinephrine and norepinephrine to be out of whack, as well as other hormones. It can also throw your potassium off. An increase in epi can obviously cause problems such as heart attacks.
Last night, I told my husband I think my mom has a tumor. No shit. I told him that.
Today my mom calls me and says this (in a tone like its no big deal, cause that is just how she is) Well, they found a tumor on my adrenal gland and they are going to call in an oncologist.
WTFuckingFUCK mom? NO WAY! She says yes way. I say no way. She again says yes way.

So that is the update. My uncle told me to think positive. Yes, adrenal cancer is rare, but my mother is already showing signs. I am in shock. Don't really know what to think or say. It is really hard for me to think positive with all that has happened. All I know is I can't lose my mom. Not now. Not like this. NOT FUCKING NOW!
So that's it. All I can say is wow. wow. wow. WHY? WHY? WHY?
Thanks for all of your kindness and support, I can't say it enough. I love you all, mucho galore! I'm just a little numb.....

Broken Heart

I've heard the saying before "he/she died from a broken heart". I always knew it could happen.  But to see it almost happen with my own eyes was....well, I don't have words for it.  My dad has been gone for 1 month and 15 days. In my opinion, mom still has yet to grieve.  She has been so strong, too strong.  Trying to hold the family together.  Trying to do too much. Still hasn't grasped the concept that her husband of almost 21 years is gone. It hasn't set in.  I can't imagine going home to an empty house that you shared with someone for that long.  Last summer (2009), she and dad were talking about getting ready to retire, buying a small cottage house around the lake and just enjoying their lives.  They both lived very modest. But they loved life. Loved to live.  Loved camping and spending time with each other.  She had told me that summer something along these lines:  Rachel, I am so in love with my husband, I am so happy with my life, but I have the biggest fear and a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen.  I told her she was being silly and that the only thing that was going to happen would be they would be able to enjoy each other without having to work. And of course, that lake house would be a get away for us and to expect us up there every weekend.  She still, I just think something bad is going to happen.  I told her she was crazy and shouldn't be so negative.
Three months later my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer. 
I am not writing this for anyone to feel sorry for me or to say she's had it rough.  I promise I am not.  But I just don't get it. I don't get why it had to happen at all, but why now? Why couldn't they have got a little time to live their dream? My mom and dad had the best relationship ever.  RARELY argued, were so affectionate. Hell, they still held hands when they went everywhere.  Yes, they were that older couple who would hold hands walking into the grocery store or when they took walks together.  So cute, so sweet, so much in love.
This is why I think my mothers heart finally broke down.  She IS a strong woman.  They strongest I know. But sometimes, being strong is a bad thing.  You have to let it out, you have to cry...scream...and cry some more.  I realize I probably do enough those things for both of us, but that doesn't really count. 
Mom is going to be okay.  THANK GOD.  Do you know she wasn't even going to let me take her to the emergency room???  She said just let me lay down and I'll be fine.  FUCK THAT MOM. If you lay down, you might not ever get up.  She said "That would be fine too".  I said fine for you, but not fine for us.  Now get your ass off that couch or else I'll kick your ass off that couch and all the way to the emergency room if I have to.  FOR GODS SAKE mom, I am a nurse. Give me a little bit of credit, this is not good.  SOMETHING IS WRONG.  
So, she finally listened.  I told her Mom, Dad would be pissed. Right now, he would be saying "SABRINA, stop being so bull-headed and go". That got a chuckle from her and said you are so right, let me get my purse.
So off we went....(thank you dad, you helped me get her there).
I feel so here...nothing I can do but love her and I do a lot of that.  I can't lose her. Now that she is stable I am feeling some better.  But she SCARED THE SCARE outta me! Of course I tried not to show it, but I have been a basket case on the inside...(whats new, huh).
I know I always say I am going to do this or do that....but THIS is what I am going to do: My mom and I will get healthy this new year.  For us and for my kids and for our families....It is NOT an option.  I WILL be focusing on my family, our health, my mom, and my children.  I WILL help my son in any and every way possibly.  And...I will be happy.  I am so grateful for the wonderful things in my life and all the MANY blessings I have.  My friends and family have been so supportive, loving, just UNBELIEVABLY amazing to me...Tonya, Jenn, Autumn, Melissa, Erica, Rachel, my Twitter friends, ALL of my friends.  Just unbelievably supportive and caring.  I can't thank them enough.  My brother and I have became close again, and I thank God for that.  Despite his crazy political views, he is a great guy and I love him to pieces.  Because of him and my dad, I have found a new church that I feel so at home at.  It's non-denominational, just a plain Christian church.  I actually enjoy going to the service and am sorry I missed it today.  I walk in there and out of there feeling like a new person.  So refreshed.  I hadn't felt that way in a Catholic church in years.  This church has helped me in so many ways and I haven't even been going that long.  I look forward to getting involved and getting my relationship back with God. (no worries my progressive friends...I am still me after all, you can't take that BLUE blood outta me) I love you all, all of you.
So with this, I will end...but its not the end of me.  I am trying so hard to remain positive, and with all my heart I want to be a better me. The good thing is my latest blood work came back and for some odd reason, my lupus hasn't flared up.  A blessing from God and I can't help but think my daddy has something to do with it.  He and my brother and Gramps and Granny Fielder are watching over us, helping us through this.
Thank you all for reading my blog (rants, whines, gripes, bitching). Thanks so much for everything! I <3 you all!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I am officially a new parent, to a PUPPY!!! As nervous as I was about getting one due to our last ordeal, I did it!  I have been looking at local animal shelters for weeks if not a couple of months...and it's very hard to find a dog who is I went to the ads (hesitantly). After verifying that this was a REAL BREEDER, who LOVED ANIMALS, visiting her home, seeing the Sire and Dame, seeing all the puppies, verifying the vet visits of the puppies, ect....I brought home our little bundle of snow white fur...
His name? (drum roll please) .................. D E X T E R!!!! How could it not be? My daughter first thought of--- first name: Jack middle name: Daniels AKA Jack Daniels.  As tempted as the name was....we went with the second name she came up with: DEXTER! I can't believe I didn't think of it. Perfect name for our little puppy.

Can I tell you how excited I am.  I love dogs, love love love them....I was so excited to get little Ella Jager and then heartbroken after what happened. I feel so much better about this entire situation and am so excited to have my sweet baby boy as an addition to my family.  The girls are elated and Clayton keeps saying "puppy, puppy" woof woof woof....he is so happy to have a little friend =)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jackass comments

Too bad I had to go private. I say this because I had been getting NUMEROUS comments left for autism research, autism advocacy, friends who were helping me through the puppymill situation, friends that were leaving me prayers for my dad, ECT. BUT...I had to.  We all know there are many jackasses in this world and one in particular kept leaving me jackass comments. So, with out further a-due. I am a members-only blog. Sounds kinda strip-club-ish doesn't it. Oh well...hopefully I won't have to keep it this way for long...I even had an authur I was conversing with who wrote a book for special needs children... <sad face> I will miss all my blog readers, but I need to focus on what is important in life and not the jackass. (a good friend pointed that out to me, he is right on point).
Have a great Tuesday my friends, all 11 of you who might be reading this. lol

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bitter Sweet

As my brother gears up to celebrate his 30th birthday, We are also remembering the loss of his sweet brother Jeremiah "joey" who lost his life 15 years ago tomorrow...
15 years ago.  It doesn't seem like 15 years.  Doesn't even seem like 5.  I often wonder (a lot) what he would look like, what he would be doing, would he be married, kids, a doctor, maybe an EMT, ect....
I miss him so much.  My daughter was barely 2 weeks old when he passed away. It was a tragic accident with a gun...
I remember the night it was a quiet night and my husband and I were house sitting at my grandmothers.  My mom called us and said HURRY, JOEY IS the time we got there life-light was landing and I was just in shock.  Everyone was trying to keep me from going into the bedroom from seeing the paramedics work to revive him.  At the time, we didn't know if he had actually been shot.  Only that he was unconscious and there was a gun by his side...a gun that my parents owned and had put up in the closet.  My brother had been getting Christmas lights down from the attic, must have fallen, hit the gun on the way down, and the gun went off when it hit the ground. A freak, tragic, accident.  Changed my life, our lives, forever.
We all miss him so much....tonight is the anniversary of it happening.
I miss you Joey and love you so much.
There is one thing I do know, he would not have been a RWNJ like his twin. =) lolol He woulda been on my team! Although his twin Josh is amazing, just a little too conservative for my blue blood....I love him anyway, he is awesome!

Friday, December 10, 2010

One more thing...

Recently...more like the past year, my life has been filled with drama, my father being diagnosed with brain cancer, my father dying, my entire puppymillbitch situation, more drama, and now my son being diagnosed and I am still fighting to get him seen by a specialist....But I want to say this:

I am so grateful for the life I do have.  I know it could be so much worse.  I know there are people in a hell of a lot worse situations.  I am grateful for my family, my friends, and just being able to make it in this world.  I don't take anything for granted. NOTHING.  I know I probably seem like a bitch, or a whiner, or a huge complainer....but I just want to say I am sooooo thankful and I am so blessed with having what I do have in my life and having WHO I have in my life.

So blogging has become kind of an outlet for me...but I just want to be clear.  I know I have a big heart and I am not scared to use it.  I love my life and wouldn't change a thing because I am who I am today because of everything I went through....all the trials and tribulations have made me stronger.

So thank you friends, thank you for putting up with me and mostly, thank you for ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT!! When I say it means a lot, IT MEANS A LOT.  People have trashed me, called me names, said I was a bad mother....ect....but I know I am a good person and my parenting is my number one priority.  I am not perfect by any means, but I won't give up a fight for any of my kids.  I will fight for them all, and I thank you all for the support you have given me through everything.

Have a good weekend

Update on #puppyMillFarmerBitch

So the trial to appeal the appeal was today.  Judge looked at her said the burden of proof was on her to show she was broke. Because in the state of Texas, when you appeal a civil trial you have to post an appeals bond double the amount of the judgement.  Which in our case, it was close to $2000.  She says" No its not, thats not what the lady told me when I called."  He said you are going to take someones word of the law who sits and answers phone calls all day? Not very smart.
So then she went on to say she is broke, no job, lives on childsupport...yada yada lies lies more lies....He ask me if I could prove otherwise...I said all I have are these ads for months showing how often she sells puppies...every couple of weeks, puppies, dozens of them...judge said well, we really can't prove that she sold those puppies, only that she is trying to, so that doesn't help.  I said what about bank statements from her showing she has no money. She said she doesn't have a bank account. Whatever....
So judge said she was prolonging the original verdict, but she is granted the FREE appeal....then he looked at me and said "What I can do for you Rachel is put this trial as soon as possible and give it to a docket that I know will see the case ASAP.  Judge has 27 years of experience in our area....he is highly respected.  So her appealing him probably isn't going to appeal to the next judge.  Judge also said that we can make sure this case is soon for you and get this out of the way for you so you can move on.  It is a shame we can't award pain and suffering in our state for animal issues...
So once I get my son the treatment he so desperately needs for his new diagnosis, I will be doing all I can to change the puppy-mill laws in Texas.  I know this is a very conservative state (duh duh duh). And I am just me, no one really important, BUT THE LAW NEEDS TO BE CHANGED AND I'LL BE DAMNED IF I JUST SIT BACK AND WATCH THIS BITCH KEEP DOING THIS.  OR ANYONE ELSE.  IT NEEDS TO BE STOPPED.  And another thing? Have I mentioned? Zoey is a fucking bitch. Well....she is.  Her attitude towards the judge showed him exactly what kind of person she is.
I won before and I will win again. NO WORRIES HERE.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


My girls are both amazing. Both are: Beautiful. Manors galore. Sweet. Super smart. Just wonderful kids.  But they are totally different from each other.  My oldest is a clean freak, a neat freak, a nothing is ever OUT of it't place freak, but not a bad freak.  My youngest daughter is a mess freak, a dirty room freak, a nothing is never IN it's place freak, but also not a bad freak....Neither are perfect, but perfect in their own way... as in they are my heart...they are my girls and I thank God for them each and every day.  When Caitlyn smiles she can light up the darkest room.   When Brooke smiles it is usually followed by a contagious laugh...Words can't say how proud I am of each of them...
I want the world for them but it is such a scary world...I want to hold them tight but I know I have to let them fly on their own.  Well, somewhat on their own.
They have handled my sons diagnosis of autism like champs.  We have adapted to his needs and things are changing each day.  It seems our lives have been given some big bumps lately, but I couldn't ask for better daughters...They are simply said: AMAZING!

Brooke and me at her dance recital 2009

Caitlyn and me at her honor roll awards ceremony 2009

Brooke and me at her first communion a few years back

PaPa and two of his favorite people

The three best kiddos any mom could ask for! Look closely that is a Houston snow storm at it's best =)

Friday, December 3, 2010


Today was the day....I have been waiting for it for almost two months...Instead of me going into details I am going to share the letter I wrote to the HSPCA, PETA, CKC, and a few other animal rights organizations....this kind of explains how it all went down.

On August 15th I purchased my dog CinderElla “Ella” Jager from a “licensed breeder” who called herself Daisy Gonzales.  I had spoke with her on the phone the night before and asked if we could come see her female malitpoo. She said her husband was out of town and he didn’t want anyone coming to the house when he was gone and she asked if she could meet me somewhere.  She suggested in a parking lot at the Target at Memorial City Mall in Houston. I said that would be fine.
The next morning, my three kids, a friend, and I went to meet her. We instantly fell in love with the puppy. I gave her $450 cash and she gave me the puppy and the CKC papers to get her registered.  She told me there was a 10 day health guarantee with the puppy. 
We brought Ella home and she didn’t have much energy. She was very quiet.  I thought she might be having an adjustment to the new environment. As soon as she started eating, she began having diarrhea. The next day after we got her, she started coughing…the coughing turned into a hacking cough.  I took her to the Vet on the second day. Our Vet, Dr. Russell, was concerned. He treated her for the cough and the diarrhea.  I attempted to call Zoey to let her know the puppy was sick just so she could watch the other puppies. That is when she denied selling me the dog, she denied being a breeder and selling dogs at all.  She said that she just got this number a week ago. I told her not to do this, this wasn’t right. I told her I had taken down her license plate. She immediately hung up the phone.
The next time I took Ella to the Vet, because she wasn’t getting better, I shared the conversation I had with Zoey to my Vet.  He said it sounds like a puppy mill scam….the entire situation. From meeting in the parking lot, to her denying she sold me the puppy.
At that point, Ella’s health continued to decline.  She was seen at least once a week. Dr.Russell said there was a possibility of distemper but it was also possible Ella had a weakened immune system from the situation in which she was born and lived in prior to us.  I told him I didn’t want her to suffer, but I didn’t want to give up too soon.  So over the next 5 weeks he treated her with multiple antibiotics, steroids, anti-diarrhea meds, medicine for her skin, which had begun to break down, fluid injections and vitamins.  Then Ella started showing signs of her neurological system being compromised.  She couldn’t walk, sit up, and twitched.  I immediately took her back to Dr. Russell and we had her put to sleep.  Distemper.  We had her for 5 weeks and 2 days.
During the last few weeks of seeing my Ella so sick I began doing research on the Internet and I found out that Zoey has been selling litters of puppies (all 8 week old maltipoos) to people for MONTHS.  Every 2-3 weeks she post ads on various local classifieds, selling litters.  After she denied she sold me the puppy, saying she just got this phone and she doesn’t sell puppies I had a few friends call her and pretend to be interested in buying a puppy. She was always eager to sell and ALWAYS had puppies for sell.  My husband also called her, she was eager to sell to him. After she offered to meet somewhere, my husband informed her who he was and she had a couple of options. 1. To give us our money back 2. We would be taking her to court.  She hung up.  I called her after Ella passed, pretending to be a buyer. She once again said she had puppies for sell. I asked if she had both the mom and dad, she said yes.  I asked if I could see them b4 buying a puppy.  She stuttered and said that because she was weaning the puppies, the mom and dad weren’t there. They were staying with a friend.  Then I told her who I really was and told her I wanted my money back, I knew what she was doing. I also asked her if she was smuggling the puppies from Mexico. She said, “You have the wrong number”.  Then she hung up.
Like I said before…every time she would place an ad, they would always be a new litter. Ex: 3 males 2 females, 4 males 1 female, 2 females 3 males. They would ALWAYS be 8 weeks old.
I have to admit, she was pretty good at hiding herself.  She messed up when she posted an ad on the SPCA’s website on July 11, 2010 for her missing Yorki’s.  When she did this, she posted her cell phone number, her real name, and her home phone number.  So when I googled her cell phone number, that ad (as well as dozens of others selling puppies) popped up.  That is how I was able to find out her real name, address, ect.
A friend of mine emailed her and asked if he could buy a “sick puppy”..then told her one of her puppies had to be put to sleep…asked her to pay for the Vet bills.  She replied with “I’ll pay for YOUR ER bills when you end up there”….yes…she basically threatened him.  THEN…she found his FB page (thru his email addy) and sent him another msg saying “puppies were smuggled”. So she admitted it!!!
I filed a small claims lawsuit on September 23, 2010.  It is not about the money.  If I ever see any of it, it will be donated to an animal abuse shelter. I want this “lady” stopped. I don’t want her to be able to do this to innocent animals. I don’t want her to play with families’ emotions.  This entire situation has been heartbreaking for my family and me.  DEVESTATING! But more importantly, THE SUFFERING of these INNOCENT PUPPIES and SHE IS PROFITING!!! I have gathered.  I have a lot of the ads, all the emails, and all the FB conversations.  I am asking, begging, pleading, to have her investigated and stopped.  If there is ANYTHING I can do, or you have any questions regarding the information I am sending, please don’t hesitate to call me. that is the me, my girls, my mom, and Caitlyn's bff and bf went to the courthouse and I was ready...I mean R E A D Y.  I had every piece of evidence, all the phone records, VET reports....ect...
Turns out I really didn't need all of that.  First off....Zoey was LATE for court. Ummmmm......HELLO IDIOT....Don't show up late for court, STRIKE ONE.  The judge heard my story...Zoey began to say it took me 3 weeks to call her and say Ella was sick...I had phone records to prove it was actually 3 days...he could see right through her and after 21 minutes of being in court, he said "Judgement for the Plaintiff"!!!! Like I said, this wasn't about the money.  It was the principle.  She will be paying me close to $1000, but there is no dollar amount for what Zoey does to these animals.  
This was just a civil case.  I can't really say what else is going on, but let's just say this civil case is really the least of her worries.  There were laws that have been broken...and there is a current investigation under way.  She IS a part of a puppy mill, and I want her stopped.  I will exhaust every effort to get her stopped.  I know she is just one of thousands who disregard animals in effort to profit, but one less is one less.  This entire experience has changed so many different ways and on so many levels.  So step one is complete, now it's criminal court!!!
Thanks everyone for listening and once again all of your support!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

My tooth extravaganza

Long story.....but a few weeks ago I cracked my back in half. It stayed put, it was just cracked in half.  So me, the chick that I am who hates to go to the dentist decided to put it off until after my dad passed.  To be fair, I had so much going on that my tooth was last on the list and it really wasn't hurting (that bad).  So dad's service was a week ago, I made an appointment for Wednesday.  I am not even kidding, I woke up Wednesday morning and the damn thing was killing me.  So I thought YAY ME, I did something right...I didn't wait too late. Wrong Rachel, wrong wrong, so wrong.  I go into the dentist....he says "honey, I don't understand how you've been able to eat, sleep, or function.  This is one of the worst abscesses I have ever seen.  Wow. Now this just doesn't surprise me.  Because if I am going to fuck something up, its gotta be a grand slam.  Then my favorite dentist says I can't touch that tooth babe, I gotta send you to my friend, he's an oral surgeon.  I'm calling him right now.  Right now? Like right this second? He said YES, That tooth needs to come out.  I am surprised you aren't sick because of this.....Well, I actually have been sick but I put that off on my lupus....So long story short within an hour I was meeting an oral surgeon and he was having a debacle with my are we gonna get this thing out.  The infection is so deep.
I'm like........whhhhhhhhhhhhat chu talking bout doc? Honey have you seen your jaw? IT's swollen..thats infection in there.
Well FML. Always something. Now Ima be toothless? Greeeeeeeeaaat! At this point my mouth was so sore, I didn't care.  It's a back molar anyway, so fuck it. No one can see it...I'll worry about that later. So the doc knocked me out and I felt nothing.  Until I woke up and the nummy shots wore was a FML kinda feeling again.  And the Norco he gave me? That's some kind of joke. I am apparently immune to pain meds...cuz they just don't cut it.
So here I am 3 days later, my jaw is still swollen, puss is still oozing, and THE TOOTH THAT IS NO LONGER THERE IS STILL HURTING.  Well, I mean the place where the tooth was is still hurting....
So there you have it.  Please let these antibiotics to kick in.  I am trying to make light of the situation, but if you ever had tooth pain, you can feel me on this one. It Fucking SUX!!!
I was going to take a pic of me, but it is just way to scary at the moment...Ugly scary....hilarious scary...
I've basically been in my pj's for three days. I have changed my underwear, I am not that gross =) leopard print so at least I feel sexy.  Even though there is nothing sexy about me at the moment.

Peace Out....its time for me to crawl back in my bed and ice it up!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My opinion of my friend "kellbo0"

This will be the last I speak of my friend Kellie....I don't know all the details and I am not sure I want to know.  But what I do know is this: Kellie was a great friend to me.  She helped me through issues I had when I was a new nurse, she had some great advise with marital stuff I was going through, and she was always there for me if and when I needed her.
So her doing this was a shocker.  I am not sure why she did it, but it has hurt a lot of people, including myself.  I can say I have a lot of "friends" here on Twitter and to the non-tweeting world, that might sound ridiculous.  But to people in our Twitter circle, you know what I am talking about.  I have been given so many obstacles lately, and the love and support I have received through Twitter has been amazing and overwhelming.  I have always assumed my tweeps are who they say they are (most of the time).  Especially the ones I have spoken with over the phone, email, Facebook, and just chatting outside of Twitter.  I speak of these people and I can call many of them TRUE friends.  In fact, I met my very best friend/sister thru Twitter....
connected thru Twitter....met in real life a few months after talking on twitter and here we are, two years down the road this is us:  This tattoo represents how we connected and the beginning of a true friendship/sisterhood that will never end.

                    That's us. @tonyarae15 and @RachelPoPachel
I realized now, that not everyone says who they really are.  Just because I am a honest person, doesn't mean everyone is.  And you know what?  That's okay.  If you want to come to twitter and makeup a someone to be, that's perfectly okay...AS LONG AS YOU AREN'T PLAYING WITH OTHER PEOPLES EMOTIONS.  That, is NOT okay. Kellie obviously needs help.  Mental illness is a real disease. People suffer from  mental illness all around you.  It is more common that you know.  1 in 5 people are treated for mental illness each day.  Kellie obviously needs help.  I know she is a good person, she went out on a limb for me and cared (or so I thought) about me as a person.  I knew she was unstable.  I knew more than likely she wasn't currently a nurse at this time. (the hours she kept online kinda gave me that can't stay up for several days and nights and then go work for a cardiologist everyday) but it didn't bother me....she had so many good qualities and I overlooked a lot of what I thought might not be true. I just wish she was secure enough about herself to be herself.  Again I say, she needs help.  Kellie, YOU NEED HELP sweetheart!!! I don't know what happened with her and Spencer, but from what I do hear, it was awful....which proves my point even more.  That is not evilness....that is a classic case of someone being mentally ill.  She lived in a made-up world via the Internet and her reality was a dreamland. She is a brilliant woman and her passion for politics was at the top.  Her wit? the best! Her sense of humor? One of my favs.  I will miss the real "Kellbo0" because there is no one like her, she was the one and only Kellbo0.
Please don't mistake my opinion for making excuses for what she has done.  I am not.  It was wrong, wrong, and wrong.  BUT...she needs help, love, and guidance.  Those of which no one here on Twitter can really give her because in actuality, we really don't "know" her at all....
If she truly set out to find someone to viciously hurt and manipulate....that is not evilness...that is what you call someone who is mentally ill.


I am not diagnosing Kellie by any means, just shedding light on one of the could be reasons for her doing what she did.  So we can make fun and be mad and talk about it forever or we can all hope and pray (if you pray) that she gets the help she needs to be healthy and happy.  That is what matters most.  Her health and happiness.  For her and for her daughters sake.
Spencer--If you are reading this, I am so sorry you were the brunt of Kellie's actions.  Words can't express my sadness for you and I am so sorry you had to go through that.  If you EVER need a friend to talk to, you know  my number, feel free to use it at anytime.  You are a wonderful guy and I know you will find your special soul mate.  I don't blame you if you require fingerprints first =) (joke people, I'm joking)  I am not making light of the situation, but Spencer has been through a lot of pain because of this....I just can't even imagine.

So that's it.  I am sure most of us will miss the REAL "Kellbo0"...whoever she was...I wish her well! Kellie, you know how to get in touch with me.  I can find you help, I promise it is out there!
And Spencer...You have all of our support, whenever, whatever you need. ((hugs))



Saturday, November 20, 2010

The story of how my dad became my dad

What many people don't know is my dad is actually not my "birth father".  Why? I never mention it.  I had a sperm donor know the of those who gladly donated my mom the sperm and when I was in the making decided he wanted nothing to do with me. So fuck him. His loss, my gain.  I say gain because if he had not have been such an asshole, I wouldn't have my Dad.  Who by the way was totally amazing.  So actually if that sperm donor should still be out there somewhere I really owe him a huge thank you.
My dad asked me to speak at his service....he asked me months ago.  I mean, when you have a cancer that is basically a death sentence, why not go ahead and plan your own service. He didn't sit down and put it in writing.  He would just mention things to us hear and there.  Dad was a simple man, so today was nothing fancy.  But it was just as it's called..a CELEBRATION!  My mom and I came up with the idea of spreading his many hats around the church.  Dad had quite the collection.  He left his collection everywhere he would go.  Not on purpose, but just forgetting it.  It was funny because when my parents would leave my house they would usually come back within minutes because Dad forgot his hat...So having his hats all over the church was a way to make it feel like he was with us.  And he also would have got a huge laugh out of the idea....

Anyway...back to what I was saying...when Dad asked me to speak at his service he said "Rach, I want you to make everyone smile.  You have a beautiful smile and if anyone can spread a smile around, it is you.  I laughed and said something like oh just say that because I'm your daughter...he said nope and asked me again if I would mind.  I said I would be honored.
So this is what I said:

Over two decades ago when I was in my “terrible twos…. I mean my terrible teens”, my mom came to pick me up from a Valentines party.  She was bringing her boyfriend and this would be the first time I met him.  Part of me was excited, the other part just not so sure.  While at the party a couple of my friends came to me and said Rachel, your mom and grandpa are here to pick you up.  I thought my mom and grandpa?  That’s odd….I thought my gramps was working and I was supposed to meet moms boyfriend.  So I go out to the car and there was mom and (put your teen goggles on here and work with me to recall my vision back then) her OLD BALD HEADED CHUBBY boyfriend!!!! I thought noooooooooooooo!!!!! This can’t be happening!!! This isn’t the Sylvester Stallone type I had envisioned for my mom!
So up went the wall.  No matter how hard dad tried, I kept it up real high.  It took many years to slowly bring that wall down and Dad waited patiently. We had our ups and downs in the beginning, few ups and lots of downs…. lol
Years passed and that entire wall eventually came down.  I will forever remember Dads prayers at the dinner table.  He thanked God for our many blessings, for our family, and then that is where he usually lost me.  My brother Josh and I would squeeze each other’s hands and hold our laughter in.  It was tradition. Dad would pray and use words and sentences we couldn’t make sense of (his intellect was off the charts) so we just giggled.  Then mom would ALWAYS tell us “you both should be ashamed, Dads prayers are sincere”.  And that they were, we were just too immature to get them and well, I think we just laughed because we always had.  Dad knew we were being silly, sometimes we would see him look up and give us a grin.  He knew us.  He knew we meant know harm or disrespect.  Ya see, he was awesome like that.  Never judging anyone, his mind was always working, and he had a WONDERFUL sense of humor. 
As a child, Dad might not have been the vision of the father I had imagined, but as I grew into adult hood my vision changed.  He was the match made in Heaven for my mom.  If there ever was a “perfect couple” they were it.  Mom has a short temper…Dads was a long as the Mississippi.  Mom has zero patience; Dad had enough for the both of them.  In fact, before Dad left us, I asked him to please leave some of the patience and sanity back here with Mom.  He grinned and gently nodded.
Before I go, I want to share something with all of you.  When Dad was first diagnosed, I nearly lost all faith in God.  Our family has had its share of tragedies and I just didn’t understand why, why, WHY our family continued to be tested.  On one of our trips for his radiation therapy we had a discussion and I told him something like “I give up…what is the use of praying?  What is the use of believing?  God doesn’t seem to let us have any slack…Then Dad helped me understand.  He said this: Rachel, you have the wrong idea about faith.  Faith is not believing what you want to believe will happen.  Faith is believing that what happens is exactly what the LORD has planned.  It is not always what we want to happen, but having Faith is trusting in GOD that he has made this plan for a reason. As simple as that might have sounded, it was all I needed to hear.  Although I don’t understand why Dad had to leave us so soon, I do understand that it’s not for ME to understand.

Thank you Daddy!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

6 to 7 months? REALLY??? SERIOUSLY??

Just got a call from the autism center at Texas Children's hospital.  TEXAS CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL....ya know....that FAMOUS hospital that is supposed to be filled with good stuff....yeh...uh huh...
They said the wait time to treat my son is 6 to 7 months.  I am sorry? You must mean 6-7 weeks, right? No mam, 6-7 months.  FOR FUCKS SAKE PEOPLE, my BABY can't wait that long....what am i supposed to do in the mean time? Just let him go untreated? Fuck that! How in the world are you going to tell me that it is going to take more than half a year for him to get treatment.  How am I supposed to help him without even knowing WHAT KIND OF AUTISM HE HAS!!! And in 6-7 months, do you know how much this can get worse? A WHOLE, FUCKING, LOT!!!!
A bit ridiculous much? I think so.  Fuck you Texas Children's, if you don't want to help me, I will find someone WHO WILL. 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Away from the thorns

Sometimes I wonder if things will ever be normal again....hell, its been so long I wonder what normal is.  Looking through old pictures (the kind you hold in your hand, not on a hard drive) to find pix of Dad I came across lots of old memories.  Mostly of my girls....birthday parties, Halloween, Christmas.  They were many years back.  I think the most recent was 8 or so years ago.  In all of the pictures of me, my weight was never the same...Up 15 pounds, down 20...up 10 down 5, repeat, repeat, repeat.  That's been the story of my life. I've learned to live with it. Fuggit.  There was one thing that was consistent. My smile.  I seemed so happy.  Really, truly a happy person.  Where did that happiness go?  Why can't I get to that place again?  So many tragedies since then.  So many people have crossed my path.  Have left me with good memories and some I would rather not ever think of again.  Illnesses, death, and new life have changed my soul.  I know I am a different person than I was 8-10 years ago, TOTALLY different.  But why can't I find that happiness again?  Why can't I reach inside of me and stopp feeling so lost and alone all the time.  I am not alone, I have so many people who love me and who are right by my side.  Yet, I still feel alone. Sad. It makes no sense.  Why can't I let go of the bad and move forward?  Why can't I forgive myself for mistakes, I am always so hard on myself.  It's not healthy, I recognize that.  So I recognize it, but yet still have no clue on how to fix it.  So much anger inside of me, so much regret.  But so many things to be proud of and smile about.  Don't get me wrong....I smile all the time.  But there is something different about my smile now than it was way back 10 years ago.  My goal is to find that smile, to let go of the bad, to move forward with the good, and to put the past behind me.  To be healthy again.  To find the blue, move past the grey, and forget the red. I can do this.  I must do this.  I have 3 beautiful children who I need to do this for.  They are my life.  And the smile I hide behind now isn't fair to them.  I need to grow away from the thorns and into the roses.... Find me again...and live.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Right in my FACE

My grandmother always told me that God will never give you more than you can handle. If I keep telling myself this, will I eventually believe it? 
My dad has been gone 4 days and 2 hours. Today we planned his service and I was somehow nominated to write the Eulogy. I wish I had the confidence in myself that other people had in me.  
My brain is frying as I type. So much going on in there, I don't know where to start. 
Let's see....My precious baby boy who is 2 1/2 started saying words around a year old. He was right on track.  Then he slowed down, then he stopped. Just stopped talking. Here lately he is talking again, but no where near the level he should be for his age.  He doesn't like to interact with other children. He has an obsession with doors. They HAVE to be closed. The same goes with cabinets. If I am changing his diaper and he sees that I have left the door open, he jumps up, closes the door, then comes back to get his diaper changed.  We had always joked saying my toddler has OCD...made light of it and thought it was no big deal. He has recently started screaming for no reason. A blood-hurdling kind of scream. He hits. He kicks. He throws fits that are not provoked by anything. He lines things up. Example: His matchbox cars, instead of playing with them he just lines them up in a perfectly straight line and re-lines them over and over again.  With his Tonka trucks, he lays on the floor and stares at the wheels.  You can forget going to the store with him.  Here come the fits.  He screams like he is in pain.  Just can't be anywhere near crowded, unfamiliar places.  When I take him to the playground he wants nothing to do with the other children there.  He is perfectly content playing with himself.  He doesn't really go on the equipment, but he LOVES to swing.  He runs around the playground and then he will swing.  Then run some more, then swing some more.  I have tried everything to get him to play with the other kids, he could care less. he walks on his tip-toes and flaps his hands or grabs at his ears.  This is a tale-tale sign...that was a red flag for me, but I told myself it wasn't... 
About a month ago he discovered his poop. So now he plays with it.  At first it was gross, but almost wasn't funny for long. He does this several times a day.  He will go in his room, pull it out of his diaper and then finger-paint his windows with it. When I say this boy can poop, THIS BOY CAN POOP!!!! We tried everything. Put onesies back on him, put big boy underwear on under the onesies. Put pajama pants on over the big boy pants, that are under the onesie. He still manages to retrieve his "paint" and he becomes Picasso, poop style. We have put a child-lock on the outside of his door so he can't go in there (he only paints poop in his room) so this has helped a lot...but the first chance he gets when we forget to close the door...he's at it again.  I'm not kidding...this kid can poop on demand. Did I mention it IS A FRIGGIN LOT?
Okay...I am getting off topic. My precious baby boy is more than likely autistic.  I spoke with two doctors offices today and they asked me a series of questions.  Both came to the decision that yes he has SEVERAL of the signs and should be evaluated quickly.
So, naturally...I am scared. Scared for my son because I don't want him to struggle. Scared of the unknown. I will love him regardless, love him with all my heart.  But this is "not supposed to happen to my kid". Yeah...I got that syndrome. I shouldn't, but I do. Not my kid, not my little boy. No, please tell me this is just a nightmare.
I know autism research has come a long way and I know it's not the end of the world. I know this. I don't want to hear it again. I. KNOW. THIS! But knowing this is not helping me at the moment. 
I blame myself. I blame me me me me.  Punish me, not my precious wild-man(that's his nickname)! Please God, don't let this be happening!
So naturally...I have spent so much time vigorously searching all over the Internet to empower myself with anything I can find to help me help him. I want to help my son, anyway and every way I possibly can. He is my little wildman and my miracle.

Here is a great website if you are seeing some signs...don't hesitate to ask your doctor.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Daddy is with the Angels now

My daddy is gone....he left around 5am on Thursday morning. We were all there, but sleeping. Ya see...Dad made one thing VERY clear...once he was gone, he didn't want anyone in the room staring, he didn't want a viewing, he wanted to be cremated as soon as possible. He said his body was just a shell and he would be set free once he had taken that last breath. So all day as we waited for him to take that last breath, he held on. We kept saying daddy let go, its okay. My cousin Theresa and I couldn't sleep...we spent the night cleaning my moms house, sitting outside chain smoking, (yes, i started again), and drinking wine coolers. Took some Xanax to calm down us down and brother went to Denny's with his minister and finally came home around 3:30ish. So at 3:45am, I took dad's vitals one more time, gave him 0.5 morphine and 2 drops of atropine, kissed him, and said good night. My bro checked on him at 4:15 and he was still the same.
My mom had been sleeping on the floor below the hospital bed for two weeks, always holding dads hand. She said at 5:03, she felt his hand let go. She woke up, and he was gone. No breathing. Very peaceful. She woke us up and told us. I quickly ran in there and sure enough, Daddy was gone. I left shortly after, just as he wanted.
Just like that. It was over. Dad was gone. But it wasn't really just like that. He had been diagnosed almost a year ago. Glioblastoma...brain cure...They expected him to live 3-6 months. Well..he said fuck those doctors and showed them. Ok, he really didn't said fuck those doctors...he didn't cuss. But that is what me and mom said. He fought to the very end.
Many of you have given me support since the very beginning. I can not tell you THANK YOU ENOUGH. I have cried, whined, cried, yelled, screamed,ect thru you all. and always, you have been here. I thank you so much for that. I have amazing friends and family. I will never forget it!! I love you all!! Rest in peace daddy, you were loved by everyone!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

holy hell be the snorers

Me and Dad 2 weeks ago October 15th, 2010
It's 4ish. I am not asleep. I was perfectly asleep several times but do to the hellacious snoring of my beloved mother, I don't understand how the neighbors 10 miles down the road are sleeping. my word.
Dad update: He is hanging on. So strong. He won't let go. He is breathing 4 breaths per minute...he has the "death rattle". If you ever heard it you won't forget it. It basically sounds like he is drowning in his own lungs. I have given him atropine to help dry the secretions but the secretions have turned into a sea and I just don't think it's helping. He is on Oxy as well as morphine. Still in pain though. Tonight my mom leaned in to kiss him and he puckered up his lips a bit. It was so cute. So he is aware of us being around him and I am so glad for that. Because when he does go, we will all be here, surrounding him with our love. He is an amazing man and has some amazing friends..people he met at McDonald's getting his senior citizens coffee have stopped by as well as people he met throughout our town...just random people but he has touched their lives so much they have stopped by to pray, bring food, offer whatever they can do, etc. It's been a real eyeopener to how many lives my father has touched. The true lives he has touched and impacted on his journey here on earth has been heartwarming.
If my mom weren't in such pain I'd go pillow fight her right now and tell her to STOP WITH THE BEAR SOUNDS....but she is hurting too...the will make her a widow for the second time. And she lost one of her twin sons in 1999. She has had her share of tragedy but still remains strong. A little nutty...but we love her that way =) So do to the situation she will get off without a pillow fight tonight. But geeezz mom, how am i supposed to count dads breaths with you breathing like a bear with emphysema?!?!?
I have cried so much today, I just want peace. Peace and comfort. We have an angel here with cousin Theresa...she has been such an angel. None of us would be able to do this without her. She has been my moms rock and my dads friend and lil helper. Oh and also...the cook, the maid, the gardener, the everything. Ya see, when Theresa gets nervous...she cleans. and when I say clean...SHE CLEANS IT ALL!! But seriously...she has helped mom so much and I will be forever grateful. She stays the night every night (can you imagine listening to a grizzly bear with emphysema snore EVERY NIGHT? that alone she needs an award) and she is just hear for whatever my mom needs. Those two are hoot together...quite the hysterical neurotic pair. This is why i LOVE THEM SO!! And Dad does too. He loves his Hazel (nickname for Theresa)....they have developed a special bond and it has been beautiful to see the two of them become such close friends.
Theresa AKA Hazel AKA Aunt Tickle and Dad Oct 15, 2010
I will always be forever grateful for our angel on earth, my cousin Theresa...We are so blessed to have her in our lives...Well...I think Ill put this pillow over my head instead of hitting my mother with it. Yes, that would be the nice thing to do. So g'night for now or should I say g'nap for me...I gotta be up 3 hours to go home and get the little wild man.
Please pray for my Dad....That he finds peace soon and doesn't have to go through this much longer. I love him so much!

Monday, November 1, 2010


I was asked by my daughter to find some place other than Twitter to vent. So I created this...This is my first one and it'll be short. 
So for now. Pop. Pop goes my blog cherry.