Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jackass comments

Too bad I had to go private. I say this because I had been getting NUMEROUS comments left for autism research, autism advocacy, friends who were helping me through the puppymill situation, friends that were leaving me prayers for my dad, ECT. BUT...I had to.  We all know there are many jackasses in this world and one in particular kept leaving me jackass comments. So, with out further a-due. I am a members-only blog. Sounds kinda strip-club-ish doesn't it. Oh well...hopefully I won't have to keep it this way for long...I even had an authur I was conversing with who wrote a book for special needs children... <sad face> I will miss all my blog readers, but I need to focus on what is important in life and not the jackass. (a good friend pointed that out to me, he is right on point).
Have a great Tuesday my friends, all 11 of you who might be reading this. lol

1 comment:

  1. OK, let's see if I can leave a comment. "Jackass comment". Apparently :-)
