Friday, December 10, 2010

Update on #puppyMillFarmerBitch

So the trial to appeal the appeal was today.  Judge looked at her said the burden of proof was on her to show she was broke. Because in the state of Texas, when you appeal a civil trial you have to post an appeals bond double the amount of the judgement.  Which in our case, it was close to $2000.  She says" No its not, thats not what the lady told me when I called."  He said you are going to take someones word of the law who sits and answers phone calls all day? Not very smart.
So then she went on to say she is broke, no job, lives on childsupport...yada yada lies lies more lies....He ask me if I could prove otherwise...I said all I have are these ads for months showing how often she sells puppies...every couple of weeks, puppies, dozens of them...judge said well, we really can't prove that she sold those puppies, only that she is trying to, so that doesn't help.  I said what about bank statements from her showing she has no money. She said she doesn't have a bank account. Whatever....
So judge said she was prolonging the original verdict, but she is granted the FREE appeal....then he looked at me and said "What I can do for you Rachel is put this trial as soon as possible and give it to a docket that I know will see the case ASAP.  Judge has 27 years of experience in our area....he is highly respected.  So her appealing him probably isn't going to appeal to the next judge.  Judge also said that we can make sure this case is soon for you and get this out of the way for you so you can move on.  It is a shame we can't award pain and suffering in our state for animal issues...
So once I get my son the treatment he so desperately needs for his new diagnosis, I will be doing all I can to change the puppy-mill laws in Texas.  I know this is a very conservative state (duh duh duh). And I am just me, no one really important, BUT THE LAW NEEDS TO BE CHANGED AND I'LL BE DAMNED IF I JUST SIT BACK AND WATCH THIS BITCH KEEP DOING THIS.  OR ANYONE ELSE.  IT NEEDS TO BE STOPPED.  And another thing? Have I mentioned? Zoey is a fucking bitch. Well....she is.  Her attitude towards the judge showed him exactly what kind of person she is.
I won before and I will win again. NO WORRIES HERE.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I came in in the middle of the #puppymillfarmerbitch story.

    I understand that you got a dog and it had distemper - but the details are fuzzy.
