Thursday, March 24, 2011


So all this time I have been sleeping like Rip Van Wrinkle, last night I had a horrible night...thoughts running through my head that had no business there....cremation or burial. (cremation, btw).  I want lots of different music played, that will be Tonya's gift to me.  Yes, it's tacky as hell, but I want Tonya to help plan my funeral.   And last night, I had it planned down to what I would be wearing to the crematory.  What I wanted my kids to wear.  How I wanted purple (for cancer) and blue (for progressive) bows everywhere.  Man, my mind was on a roll....and not a good roll.
So after I woke up after the minimal sleep I received the first thing I thought of was FUCKKKKK THAT! No more of that crap.   I don't care what the doctors say, or what this piece of shit google device indicates, I WILL BEAT THIS DAMN CANCER!!! I might end up dying in a few years, but it will NOT be from CANCER....It will be from me living my life to the fullest and a freak accident or something.....maybe falling off a plane while skydiving before putting my shoot on....or maybe it will be a shark attack while snorkeling naked in Hawaii....It just might be riding 100 mph on the back of a bike having the time of my life.....but I will tell you what it won't won't be cancer. Cuz I just know it won't.  I'm good like that.  Knowing the unknown is my specialty.  I just don't like to share that news with just anyone, I might get adult-napped and then never have the dance to swim naked with the sharks.=}  I should probably take advantage of this ambien and go night night. but then again, I will be sleeping all day again, so whats my rush russia? well, my rush is this: My eyes are falling shut. Typing with one eye open here.  
But I had to blog, just had to.  Had to tell all my friends and family that I am doing okay and tomorrow will be a new day. Oh....and I love you. Each and every one of you freaks and non-freaks. I mean that too. I ain't bull-crapping ya, its fo realzzz-sickle

g'night my loves


Sunday, March 13, 2011

lots to say, but not a lot of energy to say it

Dear friends,

Thank you so very much for all your love and support, couldn't do this without all of you.  I have a small favor to ask.   My dear friend Paula is participating in she will be shaving her head in my honor as well as all cancer fighters to raise money for cancer research.  It's a wonderful cause, and well, I especially want her to reach her goal and hopefully double it.  Paula is a wonderful friend and I am so overwhelmed she is doing this for me.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help....only takes a few minutes to donate!  Her name is Paula Salazar, just click on the link above.
My 10 days of no chemo comes to an end tomorrow, I basically slept more than 1/2 of the time.  I am so not looking forward to starting it back up again, but I'll make it.  Oh how I do not look forward to that burning pain.....I tell myself the worse I feel, the better it is working....
Love you all so much, will write more later, so tired right now.
