Wednesday, November 3, 2010

holy hell be the snorers

Me and Dad 2 weeks ago October 15th, 2010
It's 4ish. I am not asleep. I was perfectly asleep several times but do to the hellacious snoring of my beloved mother, I don't understand how the neighbors 10 miles down the road are sleeping. my word.
Dad update: He is hanging on. So strong. He won't let go. He is breathing 4 breaths per minute...he has the "death rattle". If you ever heard it you won't forget it. It basically sounds like he is drowning in his own lungs. I have given him atropine to help dry the secretions but the secretions have turned into a sea and I just don't think it's helping. He is on Oxy as well as morphine. Still in pain though. Tonight my mom leaned in to kiss him and he puckered up his lips a bit. It was so cute. So he is aware of us being around him and I am so glad for that. Because when he does go, we will all be here, surrounding him with our love. He is an amazing man and has some amazing friends..people he met at McDonald's getting his senior citizens coffee have stopped by as well as people he met throughout our town...just random people but he has touched their lives so much they have stopped by to pray, bring food, offer whatever they can do, etc. It's been a real eyeopener to how many lives my father has touched. The true lives he has touched and impacted on his journey here on earth has been heartwarming.
If my mom weren't in such pain I'd go pillow fight her right now and tell her to STOP WITH THE BEAR SOUNDS....but she is hurting too...the will make her a widow for the second time. And she lost one of her twin sons in 1999. She has had her share of tragedy but still remains strong. A little nutty...but we love her that way =) So do to the situation she will get off without a pillow fight tonight. But geeezz mom, how am i supposed to count dads breaths with you breathing like a bear with emphysema?!?!?
I have cried so much today, I just want peace. Peace and comfort. We have an angel here with cousin Theresa...she has been such an angel. None of us would be able to do this without her. She has been my moms rock and my dads friend and lil helper. Oh and also...the cook, the maid, the gardener, the everything. Ya see, when Theresa gets nervous...she cleans. and when I say clean...SHE CLEANS IT ALL!! But seriously...she has helped mom so much and I will be forever grateful. She stays the night every night (can you imagine listening to a grizzly bear with emphysema snore EVERY NIGHT? that alone she needs an award) and she is just hear for whatever my mom needs. Those two are hoot together...quite the hysterical neurotic pair. This is why i LOVE THEM SO!! And Dad does too. He loves his Hazel (nickname for Theresa)....they have developed a special bond and it has been beautiful to see the two of them become such close friends.
Theresa AKA Hazel AKA Aunt Tickle and Dad Oct 15, 2010
I will always be forever grateful for our angel on earth, my cousin Theresa...We are so blessed to have her in our lives...Well...I think Ill put this pillow over my head instead of hitting my mother with it. Yes, that would be the nice thing to do. So g'night for now or should I say g'nap for me...I gotta be up 3 hours to go home and get the little wild man.
Please pray for my Dad....That he finds peace soon and doesn't have to go through this much longer. I love him so much!

1 comment:

  1. I think I would like your dad very much should I meet him.

    -- Mike the snorer
